I have this habit where I often 'go off on one' in my head. I later realised that I'd like to share these little outbursts in more than 140 characters (the maximum characters in a tweet). And since my last poetry blog I realised that this would be a good way to do it. So read my views and beliefs and think about them and compare them to your own. Enjoy!! :)

Thursday 24 January 2013

Your Life, My Life and Everyone Elses

We were all placed on this planet for a reason, everyone's reason is different because only you can decide how you look at the world, how you want to the world to see you and how you want to contribute to the world. Of course, no one person is one hundred percent sure. I doubt there are many people who are fifty percent sure but we all need to find a way to guarantee we can drink and eat, well, live.
However there is always one thing that stands in our way to get what we want and that is people. We live in a world of 6 billion of them and the population is definitely not declining. We are all selfish, we all want to dream our dreams and make them come true and we all want our children to have the same but other people stand in our way.
I am one person, in one town, one country, one world, one universe I'm most certainly not perfect and nor are you. But it never stops some to try and think they are perfect, does it? And I know right now you probably thought of at least one person that is like this. Other people think they are more than imperfect, their imperfect-ness hurts them so deep that they like to get other people to think that they are imperfect. The truth is you can't consider yourself perfect or imperfect.
You may look at yourself in the mirror and think I'm too fat, I'm too skinny, my hair looks terrible, I hate my skin, I'm ugly. Well you aren't because the only person that thinks this is you. There is at very least one person out there that will walk past you one day and think 'She's beautiful'. If they do think that. Marry them.

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